Aren't they the ''bad guys'' though? Certainly, seem more trustworthy than the west. How did things turn out for all those people in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc who helped during the last wars? globalist's are only loyal to themselves.
There was never any question that at some point, the US would be pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Having Dems in the WH absolutely made it so that the pullouts were utter shit-shows, but us leaving was
always in the cards, and blood, sweat, and treasure, was poured in to trying to set up local governments that could function after we left. It was attempted, but it failed.
Russia is invading Ukraine in a naked land-grab with open genocidal intent. They have unrepentantly butchered thousands of civilians, and gotten the men of their puppet 'states' in Luhansk and Donetsk slaughtered. All of this
after they agreed to guarantee Ukraine's territorial integrity if they gave up their nuclear arsenal. There's also what they did in Georgia.
Iran has funded terrorist movements across the middle east, has sought to undermine the governments of other Islamic nations, and has directly or indirectly contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths, and that's not counting what they've done to their own people.
I do not have the time to even get
started on the Chinese Communist Party.
Western globalists are delusional, self-righteous hypocrites who couldn't be trusted to run a taco cart. They intend to use soft power to try to rule the world even so, and their only strength, lying and PR, have garnered them far too much power.
The leaders of Russia, China, and Iran, aren't going to try to use 'soft power' to get you to do what they want if they can just use naked force instead. The CCP is actively committing genocide, the Iranians are open about their
intentions to commit genocide, and the Russians intend to commit
cultural genocide against the Ukrainians, and pile up as many bodies along the way as they need to.
There is
no comparison in sheer levels of brutality and villainy, between western nations with mixed leadership, and the tyrannical regimes of the modern axis of evil. If you think otherwise, you've been taking too many black-pills, and are suffering a classic case of 'I'm so focused on the evil right in front of me, I've lost any kind of perspective on most anything else.'