Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

Thanks for the earworm Leslie.

"I may be the last on this planet.
The last of a great race’s dregs.
And if only you’d stop taking them for granite,
You’d see those big stone bowling balls are eggs!"
To draw this back around, when I heard about the "rock alien" in High Republic my first thought was literally just "so, just ripping off the Horta from Star Trek, huh?" And I'm not even kidding, the Star Trek TOS novels had a reoccurring Horta Ensign (later Lieutenant) who was a shared character between multiple authors and so showed up in numerous Trek novels, including the most important Star Trek TOS novel series, the Rihannsu series.

Seriously, meet Dahai Iohor Naraht. The original rock monster crewmember. And badass.

And it's not the only one to have shown up in the Trek novels and other Trek EU contents. Horta are one of the fandom's favorite aliens to have show up in stuff.

Compared to the Horta, Geode seems like a cheap knock off...
From the snippets I head if the high repiblic book. One of them.

Geode is literally just the pilot
Having an actual rock as the pilot sounds like something they'd do on airplane 3 or something.

Like, can you imagine when the falcon is dodging through the asteroid field and everyone is freaking out, there's a close up shot of Leia saying how crazy dangerous it is, and it cuts over to a side shot and there's just an expressionless, silent rock in the pilot's seat?

Actually, wait, you don't need to imagine it. Give me a few hours.
Having an actual rock as the pilot sounds like something they'd do on airplane 3 or something.

Like, can you imagine when the falcon is dodging through the asteroid field and everyone is freaking out, there's a close up shot of Leia saying how crazy dangerous it is, and it cuts over to a side shot and there's just an expressionless, silent rock in the pilot's seat?

Actually, wait, you don't need to imagine it. Give me a few hours.
He is a telepathic rock.
So yes, it sounds hilarious.

The ship also isn't small last I checked
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: when we railed against Karen Traviss, KotFE, and KotET among others all those years ago, we never knew how much worse it could become. Nowadays, any of those are so much more welcome compared to the shit Lucasfilm's vomiting out these days.

I'll take Zuko and Azula Arcann and Vaylin over any of the current roster of characters Lucasfilm are currently promoting. Hell, give me Waru and more Space Cenobytes Yuuzhan Vong.
Star Wars will be celebrating its 50th Year Anniversary (Lucasfilm being founded in 1971) by re-releasing three Star Wars 'Legends" Continuity novels with fancy new covers. Presumably these three books will be the first of more to come.

The books are Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn, the first book of the Thrawn Trilogy which really helped launch the Star Wars 'Extended Universe' properly when it was first released. Also Darth Bane: Path of Destruction by Drew Karpyshyn which chronicled the famous ancient Sith Lord Darth Bane and his creation of the 'Rule of Two' and finally Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover which is a Clone Wars era novel starring Mace Windu.

Personally, I'm torn.

On the one hand, I don't like giving Disney money.

On the other hand, buying this when all their woke Disney Wars stuff has failed to sell well could be a way to send a message. "Just think, if you hadn't been total woke NPC dipshits, you could have been rolling in money now'.
Personally, I'm torn.

On the one hand, I don't like giving Disney money.

On the other hand, buying this when all their woke Disney Wars stuff has failed to sell well could be a way to send a message. "Just think, if you hadn't been total woke NPC dipshits, you could have been rolling in money now'.

Its a conundrum to be sure, and I really think it comes down to whether you think Star Wars can be salvaged as an IP; which is an entirely personal opinion question. For myself, I don't think Star Wars is irrevocably destroyed and I want to see more good content come out. So for my part I support these books.

Though nobody really knows what happens in the Disney boardroom I have long maintained their various moves are made out of ignorant greed rather than political will. Those at the top aren't sacrificing the bottom line to push politics, but rather have been convinced by producers (like KK) that pushing politics will be profitable. To my mind then it is by being discerning buyers rather than hard boycotters that such notions can be proven false. If the figures fall across the board it can easily be written off as 'star wars fatigue' or somesuch; but if the older rereleases (or new material that cleaves more closely to it in spirit like the Mandalorian as compared to the Sequels) consistently outperforms other parts of the franchise I can only hope that eventually it will pierce the executive level fog that somebody has made a bad call.
Its a conundrum to be sure, and I really think it comes down to whether you think Star Wars can be salvaged as an IP; which is an entirely personal opinion question. For myself, I don't think Star Wars is irrevocably destroyed and I want to see more good content come out. So for my part I support these books.

Though nobody really knows what happens in the Disney boardroom I have long maintained their various moves are made out of ignorant greed rather than political will. Those at the top aren't sacrificing the bottom line to push politics, but rather have been convinced by producers (like KK) that pushing politics will be profitable. To my mind then it is by being discerning buyers rather than hard boycotters that such notions can be proven false. If the figures fall across the board it can easily be written off as 'star wars fatigue' or somesuch; but if the older rereleases (or new material that cleaves more closely to it in spirit like the Mandalorian as compared to the Sequels) consistently outperforms other parts of the franchise I can only hope that eventually it will pierce the executive level fog that somebody has made a bad call.
I agree with this. I'll also note, I've observed that spin doctors are better at spinning a product to appeal to one person, the one writing the check, than spinning it for a quarter million people and convincing all those people to buy. I've literally sat in on meetings in my own career, where I've watched an independent advertising spin things to the boss and hit all the boss's weak points, such that by the end she was going "Yeah! This is a great campaign that will make bank!" while I and my co-workers were pretty much looking on in horror and planning to hit the copy machine and make new resumes as quickly as possible so as to beat the rush when the company folded.
I'm just hoping woke Lucasfilms drives Star Wars into the ground ASAP, so it'll be sold to a company that's going to render the Sequel trilogy and all Disney stuff non-canon and then start a new Sequel trilogy using EU stuff.
Also, I hope said new owners will order the Apeiron remake of KOTOR to be finished and then released in exchange for a portion of the profits.
That was some top notch stuff and Lucasfilms could have easily made big money by making a deal with the developers.
Instead, it was cancelled just as it was nearing completion by those woke NPC idiots, who though the "Not High Enough Republic" was a better idea.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: when we railed against Karen Traviss, KotFE, and KotET among others all those years ago, we never knew how much worse it could become. Nowadays, any of those are so much more welcome compared to the shit Lucasfilm's vomiting out these days.

I'll take Zuko and Azula Arcann and Vaylin over any of the current roster of characters Lucasfilm are currently promoting. Hell, give me Waru and more Space Cenobytes Yuuzhan Vong.

I’d honestly argue that at least BioWare and fucking EA gave us a more interesting, charismatic, and intimidating villain in the form of Valkorian than anything the Rat Wars continuity has pumped out.

Hell Malgus, a side character in TOR, is more interesting on a philosophical level when comes to the light side vs dark side debates than Kylo Ren, Snoke, or senile Papa Palpatine.

He’s also an actual character that goes through an arc from the time we see him in the trailers to Onslaught, and likely would have won his bid for the throne if it wasn’t for main character plot armor.

Darth Marr, Satele Shann, Vette, Kira Carsen, even fucking Jaesa Willsam are all more interesting characters than the main cast in the sequels. And Jaesa has such a comically quick heel turn if you go dark side with her that it gave me whiplash the first time I went down that route.

Honestly, BioWare and EA should be doing the writing for Star Wars at this stage. Because they obviously have more love and care for what they’re writing than Disney or Lucasfilm at this stage.
I'm just hoping woke Lucasfilms drives Star Wars into the ground ASAP, so it'll be sold to a company that's going to render the Sequel trilogy and all Disney stuff non-canon and then start a new Sequel trilogy using EU stuff.

This would inevitably be a re-reboot rather than directly rewinding to EU canon, if only because the EU canon is literally decades of messy, contradictory, and poorly thought out details.

The Thrawn trilogy is superb, but content on that tier was unfortunately the exception rather than the rule. Most of the EU was low quality stuff like Stackpole's Invincible X-Wing Wanking and Marty Stu Jedi OC.
This would inevitably be a re-reboot rather than directly rewinding to EU canon, if only because the EU canon is literally decades of messy, contradictory, and poorly thought out details.

The Thrawn trilogy is superb, but content on that tier was unfortunately the exception rather than the rule. Most of the EU was low quality stuff like Stackpole's Invincible X-Wing Wanking and Marty Stu Jedi OC.

Even the worst of the EU is better than the best of the sequels. I'd sooner watch the Star Wars Holiday Special ten times in a row than watch each of the sequels once more in a row.
Even the worst of the EU is better than the best of the sequels. I'd sooner watch the Star Wars Holiday Special ten times in a row than watch each of the sequels once more in a row.

That's a pretty extreme opinion, but you're entitled to your opinion.

Mine remains that the sequels as a whole are actually better than the vast majority of the EU, but not quite as good as the very best EU (the Thrawn Trilogy). The EU's blatantly terrible author insert characters like Mara Jade and Corran Horn are infinitely more "Mary Sue / Marty Stu" than Rey, and the Rogue Squadron books as a whole were fun to read, but *completely and utterly* plotwank if you stepped back even a millimeter.

Remember, the EU literally had Luke being so *unbelievably callous* that he declared that Kyp Durron should be immune from prosecution when he was openly guilty of mass murder and treason, simply because Kyp was a Jedi and therefore forgiving him was more important than anything else, and all of his victims could just suck it.
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The Thrawn Trilogy is far above anything Disney has put out, including their attempt at doing Thrawn themselves. It doesn't matter that they got Tim Zahn on board - the Disney version is still worse. And you can call Mara Jade an author insert al you want - she's still leagues above Ma-Rei Sue.
Well, technically she's an author's wife insert, which is pretty much worse. She was well-written in the original Thrawn Trilogy, but the rest of the EU material took her from being mildly cliche stock character to pretty much "flip-flopping between complete bullshit and useless".

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