Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

That never bothered me particularly.

I liked the idea that came across, that the Sky Solos are a special family. Because they have a connection to something mystical and all encompassing that other people do not.
I was always uncomfortable with that in the Legends; basically, the broken Aesop in Legends was that Force users were the only people who really matter.
Of course, If you weren't a force user you are a useless person, so the focus was not the non force users
That never bothered me particularly.

I liked the idea that came across, that the Sky Solos are a special family. Because they have a connection to something mystical and all encompassing that other people do not.
If you want good world building like people complain about the new stuff, focusing on a small family or group is the opposite of that....
I don’t mean in world building terms, I mean thematically and spiritually speaking.

The Skysolo clan has a special destiny and is composed of special people.

Not the ignorant masses. Who aren’t touched by the force.

Luke and Jacen-in particular are very special men. They have a spiritual connection to something Han Solo and rando galactic citizens don’t.

That means they matter. Their decisions and choices matter.

The Skywalkers seem to be the center sun of history’s orbit.

That to me, is extremely appealing.
I don’t mean in world building terms, I mean thematically and spiritually speaking.

The Skysolo clan has a special destiny and is composed of special people.

Not the ignorant masses. Who aren’t touched by the force.

Luke and Jacen-in particular are very special men. They have a spiritual connection to something Han Solo and rando galactic citizens don’t.

That means they matter. Their decisions and choices matter.

The Skywalkers seem to be the center sun of history’s orbit.

That to me, is extremely appealing.
I like to know what it is like on the ground, those that aren't super special gary stus that have to actually try their hardest to survive.

The force makes things boring, as spiritually you don't need the force to have such a thing. A trooper on the front lines that beilives in the force can still have that spsitual feeling.

Having a person or group be the center ruins the fun of a sci fi world. Do you know why I like SWTOR over KOTOR and the like? You see more of everything besides just the very important people.

That is why I liked post AOTC stuff taking place during the clone wars and TOR stuff. It focused on more then the CHOSEN FAMILY, because they get boring following the same family and watching them become evil. I like to watch a soldier go through such hard things to get there. A jedi general balancing the force and his duty to the men he leads. A smuggler trying too make ends meet every now and then getting dragged into a greater war. A bounty hunter uniting his people into an army once again.

I like the larger world, to know what goes on. Hell SOLO did better at showing the larger world better then the Legends Sky Solo family.

I like the cain series in 40k because of the character, but the world building that goes along with it. It isn't just him doing such things, but he has focus on the world around him and his actions during it. The world also does not revolve around him like it does the Sky Solo series....
Not the ignorant masses. Who aren’t touched by the force.

so people like you and me. I'm sorry but I prefer my heroes to at least ACT like they can bleed part of the reason why ironically prefer someone like superman to someone like batman or in the case of Star wars prefer someone like kyle katarn & ahsoka Tano to someone like Jacen Solo or Kylo Ren.
so people like you and me. I'm sorry but I prefer my heroes to at least ACT like they can bleed part of the reason why ironically prefer someone like superman to someone like batman or in the case of Star wars prefer someone like kyle katarn to someone like Jacen.
I generally prefer people that actually face hardships and aren't bound by a PROPHECY!
I generally prefer people that actually face hardships and aren't bound by a PROPHECY!

I can take or leave the hardship, what I care about is people who act like people I actually want to care about. Peter Parker goes through all kinds of hardship, yet if I here one more time about how "It's his burden" I'm pretty sure my eyes will role into the back of my skull.

Tony Star was ironically at his best pre-avengers.
The Skysolos do face real hardships though?

By 45 ABY Han and Leia have lost both of their sons, Luke has been exiled and his son is a loner of twenty. Luke is also a widower.

The fact Han and Leia’s marriage doesn’t disintegrate is fucking inspiring.

Unlike what some people on SB said-their lives aren’t filled with candy and roses. They suffer, they lose family members. Jaina nearly falls to the dark side. Jacen grew alienated from his family due to his experiences for a decade. Anakin died in battle.

Han, Luke, Leia, Jacen, Jaina, Anakin, Ben, Mara-being the two generations.

Now mark out Anakin, Jacen, and Mara.

That’s a massive blow to any family(given the ages involved. The fact that two of them died at other family’s hands is Shakespeare level grief.

Thing is-they endure. They don’t break. They don’t run away from their problems. Luke has to be exiled by the government, Han and Leia’s marriage is strained. It doesn’t collapse.
I can take or leave the hardship, what I care about is people who act like people I actually want to care about. Peter Parker goes through all kinds of hardship, yet if I here one more time about how "It's his burden" I'm pretty sure my head will role into the back of my skull.

Tony Star was ironically at his best pre-avengers.
Well hardship that doesn't hold the character back, but ones that show they are human as well. Like a Soldier on the front lines not able to save his buddies from dying yet keeps on in their memory
Well hardship that doesn't hold the character back, but ones that show they are human as well. Like a Soldier on the front lines not able to save his buddies from dying yet keeps on in their memory

eh hardship can be a trope as overplayed as Mary sue can *See every CW Superhero show in the past 20 years* sometimes it's nice just to have a guy with a lightsaber and a bunch of questions.
Luke Skywalker endures a lot of hardship. You don’t get exiled, lose two nephews, and lose your wife and come out an angel.
I want the characters I am reading not be some super special person, but a normal(ish) person who goes through hard times. Like Cain in 40k losing multiple students when he had to defend from a chais invasion even when he tried his hardest to keep them alive!

I hate it when I know said character wont die. If I know Leia or Han wont die why would I think they get a divorce? I know Luke wont die...
That is why I love the lower level stuff, for you do not know if they make it out alive or die in the process
The whole point of SW is that it’s not normal people though(mostly).

Even the Mandos and clone commandos are very much a step above the average galactic citizen.

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