Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

The ownership in perpituity explicitly applies only to things created during the contract. His channel, his name, his likeness, etc, all existed before the contract, and ownership would revert back to him. Note that Rekieta agrees with me here, watch his video.

The problem? Crowder says it would all belong to DW in perpetuity.

People don't seem to also understand that force goes both ways. You know why CNN gets away with violating terms of service of Youtube? Because it's so big. The Daily Wire can put similar pressure on youtube given it's size. I wouldn't be surprised if they could have forced Youtube to remonetize Crowder if he joined up. This comes at a cost of also bending a little though.

So Crowder and DW have different approaches: Crowder is exploring new possibilities, while the DW is exploiting what is currently available. This exploit/explore mechanism, and how much should one focus on one vs the other, is a common tradeoff dilemma. And the market will show who is right.
Watching another point of view made me realize something.
All the merchandise stuff? In the contract it says exclusively maintain. Doesn't say for the term of the contract.

The contract literally states the merchandising would be permanently maintained by DW.

Knights wqtch/Shadiversity is also doing a break down of it.

At this point it seems independent creators are more along with Steven where the big con as he calls them seem to not comment or get defensive
So last night at work I listened to Shad and Rekieta Laws breakdown of that contract as Boring presented it. It massively undervalued Crowder and shoved a huge amount of the risk onto him while giving little incentive for exceeding projections. Rackets said it best. if you open with an insulting offer the negotiations can fail and damage the relationship. Boring throughout said that X would have been negotiated higher. he knowingly undersold everything he possibly could on that deal. he wanted Crowders current output +2 yearly feature length pieces +quarterly content +monthly content. and they didn't leave room to make that content outside of Fridays or weekends or the supposed vacation time they put down. again you can say they expected him to negotiate down there but this sounds less like a deal you would make with a friend and more like a borderline hostile negotiation.

Crowder's point that Younger talent with less access to competent legal counsel would be taken for a ride if this was the standard opening thing still holds. if someone was stupid enough to expect that the DW offered a market rate and was operating in good faith they would have found themselves screwed over hard the 1st time they got cancelled or experienced a boycott. that is the difference in their mindsets. DW is trying to build and maintain a profitable enterprise. A laudable goal. Crowder is concerned that such stiff penalties attached means young up and comers can't or won't be able to speak their mind and be able to make a living. he has long expressed his hatred over comedians that got big on edgy comedy and 5-10 years later are cancelling those who make similar jokes.

I wish them both well in their future endeavors and hope that DW learns from this. based on how Candace was talking on timcastIRL yesterday I doubt they will.
Knights wqtch/Shadiversity is also doing a break down of it.

Oh thank goodness we got the HEMA communities reaction to this.

I've been skimming my favorite retro gaming content creators and Horror Movie Commentary channels but sadly none of them are covering this story. I think they've been subverted/intimidated by Big Tech. I'll let you know if my favorite Mom Vloggers stance when it's released first tho.
Watching another point of view made me realize something.
All the merchandise stuff? In the contract it says exclusively maintain. Doesn't say for the term of the contract.

The contract literally states the merchandising would be permanently maintained by DW.

Knights wqtch/Shadiversity is also doing a break down of it.

At this point it seems independent creators are more along with Steven where the big con as he calls them seem to not comment or get defensive
All the merch that they make would be permanently owned by DW. So if some sort of new merch takes, off, DW would retain rights to it after the term. But not with merch that Crowder came up with, or later on merch.

Honestly, Tim Pool going over the contract (the day before Candace) is worth a watch. Only listen to Tim, the other guys an idiot. Usually, Tim's an idiot too, but this falls square into his expertise (journalism culture, journalism contracts, etc) , so it's one of the times he's really worth a watch.
Oh thank goodness we got the HEMA communities reaction to this.

I've been skimming my favorite retro gaming content creators and Horror Movie Commentary channels but sadly none of them are covering this story. I think they've been subverted/intimidated by Big Tech. I'll let you know if my favorite Mom Vloggers stance when it's released first tho.
you do realize Shad covers more than just that right? he frequently talks about cultural things on his 2nd channel Knights Watch and guests on other channels as well.
you do realize Shad covers more than just that right? he frequently talks about cultural things on his 2nd channel Knights Watch and guests on other channels as well.

Yeah I'm aware. Doesn't change the fact his opinion isn't anymore worthwhile then anyone else on the Internet because he self identified as a "cultural commentator" or whatever. That's like half of social media.
Yeah I'm aware. Doesn't change the fact his opinion isn't anymore worthwhile then anyone else on the Internet because he self identified as a "cultural commentator" or whatever. That's like half of social media.
Appeal to Authority. Logical Fallacy F-- See me after class.

I agree it's important to go to people who have experience with X when looking at something as complicated as contract law, but Blasterbot didn't say his opinion was more important.

Straw Man Logical Fallacy F---. Detention, and remedial classes.

He simply said he watched his breakdown. Then literally didn't mention Shad again in his post. C'mon you can argue with someone without pulling this crap.
Appeal to Authority. Logical Fallacy F-- See me after class.

I agree it's important to go to people who have experience with X when looking at something as complicated as contract law, but Blasterbot didn't say his opinion was more important.

Zach: Shad's analysis of this situation supports whoever.
Me: Shad ain't special.
BB: Shad comments on culture.
Me: Again doesn't make him special
White Knight: Appeal to Authority! Spacebattles NSFD Debating Rule #B6-12 violated. BB didn't say his opinion was more important!

If BB is responding to me saying he's not special by stating he's a culture commentator, I'm going to assume he stated it because he disagreed with my post on Shad's merit. He might not if but he certainly didn't make it clear. But I'm glad you were here to make his argument for him lol.

Straw Man Logical Fallacy F---. Detention, and remedial classes.

He simply said he watched his breakdown. Then literally didn't mention Shad again in his post. C'mon you can argue with someone without pulling this crap.

He literally said it in conjunction with an argument about how independent creators are with Crowder and as a point to support Crowders POV. If he didn't mean to bring it up as a point in support of Crowders POV, then I feel that's on him.

But then again 99% of my posts on here are factually known to be shit takes so me reading the obvious could just be my retardation. Thankfully tard posting is allowed on this forum still.
If BB is responding to me saying he's not special by stating he's a culture commentator, I'm going to assume he stated it because he disagreed with my post on Shad's merit. He might not if but he certainly didn't make it clear. But I'm glad you were here to make his argument for him lol.

He literally said it in conjunction with an argument about how independent creators are with Crowder and as a point to support Crowders POV. If he didn't mean to bring it up as a point in support of Crowders POV, then I feel that's on him.

But then again 99% of my posts on here are factually known to be shit takes so me reading the obvious could just be my retardation. Thankfully tard posting is allowed on this forum still.
you dismissed him as only a HEMA guy and therefore irrelevant. I pointed out he does more than that. I mentioned 2 creators not a list. They gave an interesting perspective from a creator's point of view. I in no way implied the entirety of the independent creator community is behind him. don't read words that aren't there. you are allowed to tard post as is your right. understand that others may erroneously assume you have the ability to argue in good faith. that is their mistake.
Zach: Shad's analysis of this situation supports whoever.
Me: Shad ain't special.
BB: Shad comments on culture.
Me: Again doesn't make him special
White Knight: Appeal to Authority! Spacebattles NSFD Debating Rule #B6-12 violated. BB didn't say his opinion was more important!
Ad Hominem.
you dismissed him as only a HEMA guy and therefore irrelevant. I pointed out he does more than that. I mentioned 2 creators not a list. They gave an interesting perspective from a creator's point of view. I in no way implied the entirety of the independent creator community is behind him. don't read words that aren't there. you are allowed to tard post as is your right. understand that others may erroneously assume you have the ability to argue in good faith. that is their mistake.

Literally just said his being a Cultural Commentator doesn't mean much. Not sure where you or your Protector are jumping to these epic conclusions.
But I'm glad I could accompany you on this journey. Love.
One thing no one has mentioned is that Crowder has offered his legal team to anyone looking to contract into a network at half price IIRC for the contract review.

That's tells me that it's more about the principle of things than the money.
It's not a principle, it's personal. Crowder felt insulted by how he interpreted the contract, and let his anger get in the way of reading the contract well.

"Guessing" being the operative term here. This is the same stuff they'd do if they were really pissed about being lied about. It's also what they'd do if he was telling the truth.

Tim Pool stated at the beginning of the podcast or whatever it is that Candace Owens was scheduled to be on the show like weeks before so I guess that's another half truth from the Crowder camp.
Tim Pool stated at the beginning of the podcast or whatever it is that Candace Owens was scheduled to be on the show like weeks before so I guess that's another half truth from the Crowder camp.
If she was scheduled to be there for weeks, why did she feel the need to mostly spend the time trying to damage control for DW?

Unless of course she was so upset by how shitty DW's contract is being outed that it overrode whatever she had wanted to talk about beforehand.

After all, if fewer wage slaves sign up to be part of DW, and thus bring in more money for the old hands while being stuck under a shit contract, that hurts her pocket book.
If she was scheduled to be there for weeks, why did she feel the need to mostly spend the time trying to damage control for DW?

Claim: Quartering States DW Deployed Candace Owens to Tim Pool.

Counter: Tim Pool Stated She was Scheduled Weeks Ahead of Time.


:unsure: 🤷‍♀️


Also I'm not sure the definition of "mostly spend the time" but it appears to me that they discussed the actual drama that anyone actually cares about (apparently Crowder released his response video less than an hour before the Timcast or whatever) for about 40-50 minutes of their 2 hour plus show so I feel that might be yet another half truth. 😔

Then again, maybe they went back to the topic. I don't watch Timcast normally and don't watch Candace Owens either... or any podcasts in general so after they stopped talking the drama that anyone actually cared about listening to I switched it off.
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Her being scheduled well ahead of time does not preclude her from coming up with new talking points, even on if the new issue is less than an hour old. You do realize that, right? I mean, the fact she spoke about it at all speaks to that.

Bacle, and The Quarterings claim was that she was deployed to Timcast do Damage control on behalf of Daily Wire. Tim Pool stated otherwise.

The fact that Candace Owens is talking about the issue is immaterial to that above point.

I mean I get the idea that the Daily Wire hosts defending the Daily Wire is apparently an obvious implication of guilt as The Quartering is "guessing" but I don't really care about that conversation beyond sharing the random high quality observations that pop in my head with you all and helping foster the worthwhile discussion that follows.

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