Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2022




it’s really hilarious that the same liberals who will think that the RNC or CPAC stage or whatever it was was designed after an obscure Nazi symbol but show them a 4K picture of a Ukrainian chick wearing one of the most common and obvious ones and they will shut their eyes to it entirely. Also, Ukraine seems way more tolerant of the far right than Russia which is pretty cool.

Ukraine certainly has a soft spot for the far-right, no doubt about that. Especially the western regions. However, most Ukrainians are not Fascists or Neo-Nazis and what is true for Ukraine is also true for, say, the Baltic countries.

It sounds like poor/sneakyword usage. Plus they seperated the stuff in two paragraphs with two different sources. One source says they destroyed a convoy. Then another "source" says it contained 800 vehicles. They probably should've said attacked or if they wanted to editorialize "devastated" a convoy which reportedly had 800 vehicles. Even with that language I immediately figured/assumed... Oh they attacked a convoy with 800 vehicles and I'm sure destroyed or damaged a fair fraction of it.

Well, guess that means next time a Bear tries to do a recon run over Alaska/the Bering Strait, things might get...interesting.
I don't want to get into the TPP too much, but as far as I was aware, the TPP as it was designed would have benefited China at America's expense, if anything; that's one of the reasons I was against it.
The opposite, but there were people saying the opposite.

China was specifically kept out initially, and it had a term on state owned enterprises as basically a callout, along with other things. Now they are asking to join now that we aren't there. It was basically an entire way to fuck china that got fumbled at the 1 yard line (it had it's flaws, but still).

Anyway, if someone wants Planefag's writings on this, they are here:

And it is updated more than daily.
They've been intercepting red Bears over Alaskan airspace since they started flying the things, and still are. Nothing new.
That was before we closed our airspace to all Russian planes.

I guess if they stay in international waters/airspace, maybe things will stay calm.

Well, guess that means next time a Bear tries to do a recon run over Alaska/the Bering Strait, things might get...interesting.

They've been intercepting Red Bears over Alaskan airspace ever since they started flying Bears. Nothing new, I doubt much will change there.

EDIT: @Bacle , I know you replied earlier, just trying to merge posts to avoid multiposting.

Origin report might've said eighty which is still high but not insane.

So, 800 when they meant 80? Right or wrong, there's bound to be errors when translating messages/tweets/etc., so that's possible what it could have been. Of course, take this claim like any other with a healthy dose of salt.
Not necessarily armored vehicles. Could be simply a truck massacre.

So, 800 when they meant 80? Right or wrong, there's bound to be errors when translating messages/tweets/etc., so that's possible what it could have been. Of course, take this claim like any other with a healthy dose of salt.

The other tweet was already deleted apparently so here's an earlier claim

Looks like it's TWO separate convoys with suspiciously high totals and it actually occurred near Sumy in Northern Ukraine instead of Southern Ukraine.

People are debating if that's even an actual picture of a convoy. The main allegation is that it wasn't just trucks but also a lot of Grad MLRS' as well which igniter secondary explosions. But no real evidence yet.

If the attack was by drones footage should be available anyhow sooner or later, if it's released.

And as an aside most of the drone attacks up to this point have been against trucks and some Air Defense vehicles that we've seen.
Said Navy is half sunk if it has to convoy supply shipments verses having them delivered by rail from Russia. China knows this and its why it ignores US sanctions and has been aggressively working to get America to deindustrialize itself.
Sunk by who? If it goes that far, we're in WW3 territory.
Rail through Russia will move no more than few percent of the goods they need to move to Europe.

Which he has done on more than a few occasions for major exercises out east.
But not for a fairly unpopular war with major losses, that's a whole different situation.

Low pay means more can be spent on gear, and their pay is tax free. That and their conscripts, their motivation is to win quickly so they can get home.
And look how that worked out.
>highly motivated
You are arguing against the conventional wisdom here.

Do you? But hey, ask yourself if Taliban being based in Pakistan makes logical sense? Or just read Bette Dam's works on the matter, "digs deep into the Afghanistan Thread to find a prior post," her full book details how the Taliban actually operated in Afghanistan, often under the US's own nose. It was a popular insurgency embedded fully into the Afghan Villages and operating in the open. Most did not trust Pakistan due to their known double dealings. And logically the Taliban couldn't sustain their control of Afghanistan from Pakistan or maintain their numbers as the Pakistanis followed a different Deobandi School of Jurisprudence.
The Taliban insurgency is, above all, a Pashtun thing. They live on the Pakistan-Afghanistan borderland, and they have a very... negative attitude towards the official border.
Of course they exploited the fact that US forces could not chase them beyond what they consider an arbitrary line.
Pakistan is also, in effect, the rear area where they recruit, train and rest fighters.
"Every year, the Taliban were defeated in Afghanistan but they had an opportunity to recuperate, to re-recruit people from Madrasas in Pakistan and bring them back the next year.

Largely because we were running out of Infantry and didn't want to reallocate service troops or manpower from elsewhere to infantry units. Its a desperation move of a nation running out of reliable manpower.
Well guess what, Ukraine also doesn't want to reallocate manpower from elsewhere.
Boots on the ground are boots on the ground, of course they want more.

As shambolic as it seems, it was operationally brilliant, kept UkA from mobilizing, and means in the long run far fewer Russians and Ukrainians die if both had waited to fully mobilize. Because lets face it, if UkA had been fully mobilized with all its Corps and Army level assets ready, the death toll would easily go into the millions as both sides slammed into each other.
And here again you demonstrate so obviously that you have no idea what you're talking about that your whole theory is not even worth reading. What millions?
Wars that last years are required for millions, just armies slamming into each other over weeks, whoever suffers few hundred thousands in losses is going to fucking collapse long before millions.
The other tweet was already deleted apparently so here's an earlier claim

Looks like it's TWO separate convoys with suspiciously high totals and it actually occurred near Sumy in Northern Ukraine instead of Southern Ukraine.

More propaganda.

At most they got less than 10 vehicles.

People are debating if that's even an actual picture of a convoy. The main allegation is that it wasn't just trucks but also a lot of Grad MLRS' as well which igniter secondary explosions. But no real evidence yet.
Just like snake island and many other claims, there's not a speck of imagery to back up their claims.

I hate to say this, but at least the Russians aren't playing us common folk for fools and actually attaching legit pictures and videos (for the most part) to back up their claims.

If the attack was by drones footage should be available anyhow sooner or later, if it's released.

And as an aside most of the drone attacks up to this point have been against trucks and some Air Defense vehicles that we've seen.
Drone attacks were all from the first 2-3 days. Russian attacks on airbases and shootdowns took care of the ones that survived the initial blow.

BTW everyone, this war was a long time coming. Putin's speech at Davos on Jan. 28th, 2021 alright explained his plan and that he was going rogue.

Here are a few key sections where Putin highlighted his grand plans. My personal notes and comments are preceded by * and are in italics

"All this is inevitably affecting the nature of international relations and is not making them more stable or predictable. International institutions are becoming weaker, regional conflicts are emerging one after another, and the system of global security is deteriorating."
*The start of more proxy wars?

"Of course, such a heated global conflict is impossible in principle, I hope. This is what I am pinning my hopes on, because this would be the end of humanity. However, as I have said, the situation could take an unexpected and uncontrollable turn – unless we do something to prevent this. There is a chance that we will face a formidable break-down in global development, which will be fraught with a war of all against all and attempts to deal with contradictions through the appointment of internal and external enemies and the destruction of not only traditional values such as the family, which we hold dear in Russia, but fundamental freedoms such as the right of choice and privacy."
*Invasion of Ukraine and tell NATO and the West to fuck off.

"Taken together, this makes economic stimulation with traditional methods, through an increase in private loans virtually impossible. The so-called quantitative easing is only increasing the bubble of the value of financial assets and deepening the social divide. The widening gap between the real and virtual economies (incidentally, representatives of the real economy sector from many countries have told me about this on numerous occasions, and I believe that the business representatives attending this meeting will agree with me) presents a very real threat and is fraught with serious and unpredictable shocks."
*Taking the Russian oligarchs down a notch

"A strategy, also being implemented by my country, hinges on precisely these approaches. Our priorities revolve around people, their families, and they aim to ensure demographic development, to protect the people, to improve their well-being and to protect their health. We are now working to create favorable conditions for worthy and cost-effective work and successful entrepreneurship and to ensure digital transformation as the foundation of a high-tech future for the entire country, rather than that of a narrow group of companies."
*More oligarch busting hints.
Also highlights that he intends to reverse Russia's demographic problems. The man himself is setting a good example. 2 daughters by his first wife, and another 4 more children by his longtime lover Alina Kabaeva.
Also, it highlights his war against Western decadence and the woke shit that the liberals are peddling

"Obviously, the era linked with attempts to build a centralized and unipolar world order has ended. To be honest, this era did not even begin. A mere attempt was made in this direction, but this, too, is now history. The essence of this monopoly ran counter to our civilization’s cultural and historical diversity."
*Klaus Schwab didn't believe that Putin would betray him. Foolish German.

"This opens wide possibilities for collaboration. Multi-faceted approaches do work. We know from practice that they work. As you may be aware, within the framework of, for example, the Astana format, Russia, Iran, and Turkey are doing much to stabilize the situation in Syria and are now helping establish a political dialogue in that country, of course, alongside other countries. We are doing this together. And, importantly, not without success."
*It's gonna be a multipolar world.

"We all know that competition and rivalry between countries in world history never stopped, do not stop and will never stop. Differences and a clash of interests are also natural for such a complicated body as human civilization. However, in critical times this did not prevent it from pooling its efforts – on the contrary, it united in the most important destinies of humankind. I believe this is the period we are going through today."
*More Ukraine warnings.

Trump's threat no longer held because he had his election stolen and Putin was now free to betray Herr Schwab and the WEF, taking Russia on the path that General Pyotr Krasnov highlighted all those years ago by his book "Behind the Thistle".

"Another of Krasnov's novels was his 1927 work Za chertopolokhom (Behind the Thistle), a future history set in the 1990s that imagined a post-Communist Russia ruled over by a restored monarchy that had built an enormous wall around the entire empire to prevent any and all contact with the West."
*The House of Putin will rise behind the thistle wall. Long may they reign.

In Krasnov's future history, in Europe, socialist parties have come to power in all of the European nations, leading to an irrevocable economic decline over the course of the 20th century..[22]
*This is happening right now. Krasnov maybe wasn't the best general, but his eyes were opened. As ours are now, but much earlier. He is one of the Prophets.

By the 1990s as a result of decades of socialism, in all the European states food is being severely rationed, technological advances have ceased, housing is in short supply and the triumph of avant-garde has led to a cultural collapse.[22]
*Substitute Europe for the Western World. Everything described here is happening. One step at a time.

The social order is enforced by the public floggings, torture and execution of any Russians who dare to think differently and those speak out "return home with black stumps in place of their tongues".[28]
*Russia is going to get more authoritarian after Putin closes things up.

This was always Putin's plan. Most people just didn't see it coming until now.
More propaganda. At most they got less than 10 vehicles. Just like snake island and many other claims, there's not a speck of imagery to back up their claims.

Did you have a source on the attacks or just spitballing stuff already covered? We've already stated that the attack numbers were inflated and that there was no evidence and we can wait for it.

Drone attacks were all from the first 2-3 days. Russian attacks on airbases and shootdowns took care of the ones that survived the initial blow.

Where are you getting this? I wasn't even aware of any drone attacks in the first day and only one AFAIK in the second and that wasn't revealed until later. And still unaware of any evidence of drone strikes on the third day. Almost all of the attacks AFAIK have been recorded yesterday and the day before yesterday (the 27th and 28th). And the Airbase where at least some of the drones were based out of was struck in the opening hours of the Invasion. I'm fairly certain all of this was pointed out in this thread actually.
Unverified Twitter Update.

Some US Officials estimate the Russian fatalities at being around 1500-2000 and roughly equal on both sides with the qualifier that this is a very general estimate. The Ukrainians have stated as of yesterday IIRC that there were in excess of five thousand estimated Russian deaths.

Boeing is pulling out of Russia as well and had some fairly extensive operations there.

Supposedly a video of a Ukrainian civilian showing Russian soldiers pictures of dead Russian soldiers on his phone and asking the soldiers if he recognizes any of them.

Apparently the Russians destroyed the Slovenian Consulate in Kharkov but the Consul is okay.

Imagery of the reported strike on the Russian Air Force Base near Rostov by Ukrainian missiles.

By chance is that the oligarch who put Ukraine near the top of donors to the Clinton foundation?

No that's a different person. Victor Pinchuk. And he's apparently a bit more friendly to Russia.
Unverified Twitter Update.

Some US Officials estimate the Russian fatalities at being around 1500-2000 and roughly equal on both sides with the qualifier that this is a very general estimate. The Ukrainians have stated as of yesterday IIRC that there were in excess of five thousand estimated Russian deaths.

Boeing is pulling out of Russia as well and had some fairly extensive operations there.

Supposedly a video of a Ukrainian civilian showing Russian soldiers pictures of dead Russian soldiers on his phone and asking the soldiers if he recognizes any of them.

Apparently the Russians destroyed the Slovenian Consulate in Kharkov but the Consul is okay.

Imagery of the reported strike on the Russian Air Force Base near Rostov by Ukrainian missiles.

No that's a different person. Victor Pinchuk. And he's apparently a bit more friendly to Russia.

I remember hearing the 5k number coming from the Ruskies on thier open comms as well

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